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Report on the Lunch Talk "Ecopoetry as Method: Reading Gary Snyder as a Cultural Mediator between China and the World"

News from Nov 09, 2022

In her lunch talk on July 19, 2022, Winnie Yee, 2022 “Worldmaking” fellow Winnie Yee in the project "Social Worlds: China's Cities as Spaces of Worldmaking" shed new light on the cultural transfers around the works of Gary Snyder. Using the lens of “ecopoetry as method,” Winnie Yee considered the potential of traditional Chinese poetry’s ambivalent temporalities and agencies for Snyder’s 20th century ecocritical poetry. By then tracing how Snyder in turn inspired Asian writers such as Hong Kong poet Xi Xi, Winnie Yee proposed to regard translational relations as a means of transcending any simplistic dichotomies such as East-West and rather regard their entanglements, mutual inspirational potential and their capacities to trigger a re-consideration of the relationship between humans and nature. Read more about the talk here

About the Speaker:

Winnie L. M. YEE is assistant professor in comparative literature and program coordinator of the MA Program in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. In 2019–20 she was a fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich. Her research interests are ecocriticism, contemporary Chinese literature and film, Hong Kong culture, and independent cinema.

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